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TeX Live

TeX Live is a free software distribution for the TeX document production system


TeX Live is a free software distribution for the TeX typesetting system that includes major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts. It is the replacement of its no-longer supported counterpart teTeX.

TeX Live is an easy way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. It provides a comprehensive TeX system with binaries for most flavors of Unix, including GNU/Linux, and also Windows. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the world. - Official website

Since the 2009 release of TeX Live, it includes TeXworks, a graphical editor. There is also MacTeX for macOS which comprises TeX Live as well as some additional tools for using TeX on the Mac.

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System Requirements

Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.


Not available, but we appreciate help! You can help us improve this page.


TeX Users Group

Written in


Initial Release



TeX Distribution

This page was last updated with commit: Following: - Fixed: missing sources for features now added - Removed: Google Analytics Async (deprecated) - Added: missing aria-labels to input elements - Updated: partials/seo.html code for new data structure - Fixed: changed aria-label to title for span and divs - Fixed: color of status icon on softpages not appearing correctly (5221a6e)